Samson and his owner Jay Schrimmer often walk through West Seattle neighborhoods, and it's helped them both. Over the winter Samson lost about 20 pounds and Schrimmer lost weight too. Samson loves women and will make a point of going up to them for attention.
Jay Schrimmer got his dog Samson, an Akita who came with that name. "I got him when he was two years old," said Schrimmer," He was a rescue and he was raised by a family with two little kids but they got a little uncomfortable with him." Samson's original home was Wiconsin but he was brought to Wenatchee in Eastern Washington. Schrimmer spotted an ad for Samson online through an Akita rescue group and adopted him.
He was given up no doubt because Samson is a large bodied, thick legged canine and as Akita's go is even more sturdy looking than the breed usually is at 110 lbs. bordering on being intimidating. Previously, he was even larger at 130 lbs. On walks this winter both owner and dog lost a lot weight.
Samson is a striking dog and, "I think it's kind of funny that when I walk him around, people come out to look at him," Schrimmer said, "and he likes all the women. He makes sure he goes up to any woman, any girl. That's what he likes. Men, he's not so sure about."
Samson knows all the dogs in the neighborhood and has made friends, often running back and forth along the fence with a particular border collie.
He's also very protective of women. Schrimmer's daughter comes to visit on the weekend and when she does, Samson will sleep in front of her bedroom door. But normally Samson loves the cold. Bred in northern Japan as hunting dogs Akitas like the colder weather. "When it snows he goes outside and sleeps in the snow," said Schrimmer. The hunting instinct is strong in Samson. " When I first got him I had a lot of squirrels in the back yard, but he took care of that. I would come out and he'd have another one. He has a really high prey instinct."
Despite being blessed with a very thick coat of fur, Samson only sheds twice a year.
Schrimmer takes care of two other dogs during the week and Samson, being an Alpha male, only has to bark once and they both run behind a chair. With cats, they understand to keep their distance. "I have two cats and they have their little areas and I have one who kind of torments him sometimes but she's fast enough to get away from him."
How to nominate your pet for Pet of the Week:
Want to nominate your pet for Pet of the Week? Stop by the VCA West Seattle Animal Hospital at 5261 California Ave. S.W. and just ask for a form. A nomination is not a guarantee of appearance and your name and photo may appear in our newspaper and online.
Photos may or may not be used and our "Pet Reporter" may be in touch with you to arrange to take a photo. Pets nominated will be chosen on the basis of uniqueness of the pet and the quality of the story and information submitted.