Public hearing on Library Levy coming up
Wed, 03/28/2012
As a result of continued fiscal challenges and cuts to Library funding, the City Council is considering placing a Library levy on the Aug. 7, 2012 ballot to supplement city funding. Everyone is welcome to attend a public hearing and address the council on April 3.
The plan reflects the input and priorities of over 39,000 Seattle residents collected over the last two years.
The levy addresses four service areas:
• Increasing Library hours;
• Enhancing the collection of books and materials;
• Improving computer and online services; and
• Maintaining Library buildings.
In addition to restoring and improving services after years of cuts, the levy protects current core services from an estimated $5 million in further cuts in 2013.
"We listened carefully to the public at community meetings, focus groups, forums and comments gathered through several surveys," said City Librarian Marcellus Turner in a press release. "This proposed levy package reflects the priorities of our community."
The proposed seven year Library levy of $17 million annually would be funded by an increase in the property tax. The Library will continue to rely on the city's general fund for the majority of its annual budget.
"With the 1998 Libraries for All building renewal program, we made sure our Library facilities were up-to-date and able to support Library programs and users," Library Board President Marie McCaffrey said. "Now we are entering the next phase of bringing the Libraries for All vision to life, extending our reach through improved operating hours, books and materials available in different formats and expanded digital access."
The Seattle City Council will hold a public hearing to receive comments on a proposed Library levy at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 3 in Council Chambers at Seattle City Hall, 600 Fourth Ave., second floor.
For more information, visit and select "Libraries for All: A Plan for the Present, A Foundation for the Future," or call 206-386-4636.