LETTER: Respect begins at home
Tue, 09/04/2012
In the edition of the Highline Times dated July 23, 2012, Rachael Levine posted a letter asking that everyone involved in the decision about annexation follow this rule—“Whether one agrees with the information wants more than was presented or does not like the presenter’s style, it is unacceptable to demean or harass whoever is carrying pout the directions of the Burien City Council or intimidate those who came for the information. Can’t we express differences with civility and respect in our community?”
However, at the Aug. 6, City Council meeting, her husband, Phillip Levine attempted to demean and harass another citizen with an inappropriate side comment.
This was a citizen who had just finished speaking to the City Council on the topic of annexation. It erruptede into a minor altercation between the two men. What happened was unacceptable and was started by Mr. Levine in his effort to intimidate this citizen.
Like charity, good manners and respect for others’ opinions begins at home. Perhaps Rachael Levine needs to talk about her opinions regarding civility and respect with her husband before she lectures the rest of us on this issue.
Can’t Mr. Levine allow others to to express their thoughts on annexation with civility and respect at Community meetings?
J. Nelson