Volunteers seeking information in Normandy Park on Saturday
Tue, 09/11/2012
On Saturday, Sept. 15th, volunteers with the Normandy Park Communications Committee will be going door-to-door to hand out flyers to the Normandy Park community.
The volunteers will be asking for email addresses from residents to sign them up for E-Alerts and the City Scene newsletter. The flyers outline the different options residents have for obtaining information provided by the city. Volunteers will also be confirming mailing addresses to ensure citizens can receive city mailings.
The committee is made up of resident and non-resident volunteers, communication experts and city staff. The goal is to improve communication between the city and its community.
The committee was formed due to community concern about the lack of communication on activities and events within the city. This committee is a great step towards keeping the community aware of what is going on, according to committee members.
For questions or to volunteer, contact committee chairperson Susan West at susan.west@ci.normandy-park.wa.us.