Sealth prospective student Open House set for Feb. 7
Wed, 01/16/2013
The Chief Sealth International High School annual Prospective Student Open House prospective for students and families is set for Thursday, Feb. 7 from 6 to 8 pm this year.
Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from administration, teachers, parents and students.
To be included:
• A variety of information sessions from department leaders and students
• Building tours and student entertainment
• Displays of available after-school opportunities and college prep programs
• Desserts and beverages provided by the PTSA and YMCA
In addition, interested families will have the opportunity to participate in a series of school-day tours.
• Tuesday, February 12 - Madison & Pathfinder students, 10:00-11:30am
• Tuesday, February 19 - Denny Middle School Tours, various times
(arranged through Denny literacy blocks)
• Tuesday, February 26 - Private schools, all others, 10:00-11:30am
CSIHS is located at 2600 SW Thistle Street.