Deadline for neighborhood projects is approaching fast; Must be submitted by Feb. 4
Thu, 01/31/2013
press release from Seattle Department of Neighborhoods:
The city of Seattle is now accepting proposals to the Neighborhood Park and Street Fund (NPSF), formerly known as the Neighborhood Projects Fund. This fund supports improvements to neighborhood streets and parks proposed by the community. The deadline for applications is February 4, 2013.
The NPSF can be used for projects valued up to $90,000. Park projects that have been funded in the past include playground improvements, trail upgrades, tennis or basketball court repaving, natural area renovations, and accessibility improvements. Examples of street projects include crossing improvements such as marked crosswalks, curb ramps, and pedestrian countdown signals; and traffic calming, such as traffic circles, median islands, and speed feedback signs.
Below are the three projects from the Southwest District that were awarded in the 2012 funding cycle:
· Improvements to streetscape on California Ave SW from SW Juneau Ave to SW Myrtle St
· Improve sidewalk at SW Cloverdale between Fauntleroy PL SW and 46th Ave SW
· Repave Lincoln Park tennis courts
To learn more about the fund or to propose a project, visit
Both residential and business groups are encouraged to apply.
For questions, contact Yun Pitre at 206-386-1924 or Wendy Watson at 206-684-0719.