Keep it local New Years Eve by partying with friends at the Highland Park Improvement Club party
New Years Eve is traditionally a time for a lot of noise but you might notice a longer and louder set of sounds coming from Highland Park as the Highland Park Improvement Club celebrates the new year, Dec. 31.
They will start the evening with a "Not So Silent Parade" and participants are encouraged to bring pots, pans, or whatever makes noise, and gather at 6pm at 1116 S.W. Holden Street for a noisy walk through the neighborhood.
Following the parade is the Sage Comet Fire Performance in which large flaming balls are swung by performers in the parking lot of the club. These are veteran fire performers, once with the well known Seattle 'Cirque de Flambe' troupe.
Next up is the Choroloco Brazilian Jazz Band from 8pm to 10pm. Listen to some samples here
Taking the party into the night and the new year is DJ Rich and DJ Evan who will "rock your world" with music from their extensive collection.
The Corner Bar, a regular feature at the Highland Park Improvement Club will feature a Champagne Bar with liqueurs and fresh fruit. Non alcoholic drinks will also be available.
The organizers said they may need a few volunteers to help direct traffic and keep the parade marchers safe. To volunteer as a crossing guard, please contact Dan Mullins: