A 30 unit apartment building with no on site parking proposed to be built near the Morgan Junction has been determined to not have any significant environmental impact. This photo is of a similar structure in the Roosevelt neighborhood though the final design has not yet been approved.
The locally controversial 30 unit, 7800 square foot, 3 story "no parking" apartment complex now called Pholston Paradise in the Morgan Junction area at 6917 California Ave. S.W. has been given a "Determination of Non Significance" by Seattle's Department of Planning and Development. This means they believe it will have no adverse environmental impacts. Building permits have not yet been issued.
It is project number # 3016077.
The project is allowed under the city code revised in 2010. That code allows even greater density with up to 8 unrelated people to an apartment. Under the proviso of the Growth Management Act of 1990 the Seattle Comprehensive plan called for 36 Urban Villages in Seattle and the Morgan Junction area is one of the villages intended to accommodate 80% of the growth.
Since the project is close enough to transit that runs every 15 minutes, no parking is required.
In a parking study completed at the end of January conducted by William Popp Associates, they concluded "it is estimated that the vehicular parking deman for the tenants (assuming full occupancy) is about 15 vehicles. This may be lower given that no official parking is provided. The demand estimate noted is predicted to be conservative.
An evaluation of on-street parking within 800 feet walking distance from the site was conducted per City of Seattle DPD TIP 117 guidelines. The evening parking demand for the area (after 9pm) was found to be 156 vehicles , and supply was measured & calculated to 282 stalls. That equates to a parking utilization rate of 55%, the City defines capacity at 85%. Hence, the available on-street parking is 84 stalls (assuming 85% of measured supply). The estimated parking demand for the project was predicted at 15 vehicles, thus the available on-street supply is more than adequate to accommodate the parking demand predicted for the project."
Developer Mark Knoll previously said (see our coverage from Dec. 19) that rent for the 800 square foot units would be somewhere around $700 per month for rent, though the market will set the actual rate. The final rent would include utilities. This project is a personal investment by Knoll and not affiliated with his other businesses, Knoll Development or Blueprint Capitol LLC.