Burien Arts Gallery is seeking to host several shows focusing on the topical and timeless fine art of the print.
Submit four (4) images of works created in the past two years.
All works that include some type of fine art printmaking are welcome, including all forms of intaglio, relief, archival digital print, lithography.
All images must be in JPEG format (.jpg)
Included in the file should be artist’s name, email, phone number and list of images corresponding to jpeg files, including title, image size, media and price (date optional)
The non-profit community gallery exhibits monthly shows of all disciplines with opening receptions the 1st Friday of every month.
The website ( HYPERLINK "http://www.burienarts.org/"www.burienarts.org) has submissions instructions; go to “apply” on the gallery page.
The Call to Printmakers is ongoing and there is no submission fee.