11th annual Duwamish Alive! clean up event set for April 16
Fri, 04/08/2016
information from Duwamish Alive
On Saturday April 16th, community volunteers will join together at multiple sites along the Duwamish River and its watershed for the 11th annual Duwamish Alive! spring event, a community-wide campaign to improve the health of our river, parks, and open spaces for our community and wildlife.
Join us at 9:30 AM on the 16th for our official Kick Off with 34th District Representative Joe Fitzgibbon at Greg Davis Park in West Seattle. Representative Fitzgibbon, named Legislator of the Year for his leadership in environmental issues in 2015, will speak on the importance of our urban natural areas and environmental stewardship. Come learn about Longfellow Creek and the efforts to restore it. Coffee and refreshments will be served.
This year Duwamish Alive! will focus watershed restoration efforts along Longfellow Creek in West Seattle from its headwaters at Roxhill Bog to the Brandon Street Natural Area and through Pigeon Point Park. Longfellow Creek is Seattle’s second largest salmon-bearing creek flowing directly into the Duwamish River. Each year 60-100% of salmon in Longfellow Creek die before they get the chance to spawn due to pollution from heavy stormwater runoff and threatened habitat. Our goal is to improve the water quality within the Longfellow Creek watershed by establishing natural stormwater systems throughout critical areas and improving the native habitat.
Following the opening ceremony volunteers lead by the King Conservation District will get their hands dirty while making our community a healthier, better place. Volunteers are welcome to participate by registering at: www.da-longfellow.eventbrite.com.
Celebrate the new spring by making a difference on our community’s Longfellow Creek. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet new people, enjoy snacks and coffee, and enjoy the outdoors. Tools and instructions will be provided. All ages and abilities are welcome as no experience is necessary. Families, company groups, clubs, individuals, schools, fraternities, and sororities are encouraged to participate.
See the Duwamish Alive! website to learn more about the event: www.duwamishalive.org.