Federal fugitive arrested at SeaTac motel
Edward Porta
Thu, 05/26/2016
information from King County Sheriff
On May 25th, 2016, Federal Fugitive Edward Porta was arrested at a local motel by Deputies with the SeaTac Police Department. Over the past week, information about Porta was circulated by the local program, “Washington Most Wanted” on Q13Fox and their social media sites, after it was reported by Federal Marshals that he may be in the area. Shortly after the information was out to the public, tips came into the show and Crime Stoppers.
One of those tips led SeaTac Deputies to a hotel near the airport.
Once there, SeaTac Deputies were able to confirm with the front desk that a man, later identified as Porta, was indeed renting a room, but under a false name. Deputies, acting as the hotel front desk, then called Porta and asked him to come down and speak with them about a problem with the room he was in.
When Porta came out of his room, he was arrested without incident.
Porta was booked into the King County Jail late in the day on May 25th, 2016 and it is expected that Federal Marshals will take custody of him on May 26th, 2016.
There is no indication why Porta was in the SeaTac area or how long he had been here. At the time of his escape in 2008, Porta has been serving a 38 month Prison sentence for fraud related charges. It is unknown what or if any additional charges he will now face.