Highline Students Learn About Careers in Skilled Trades
Tue, 02/21/2017
Highline high school students explored careers in the skilled trades recently at Sea-Tac Airport. Hosted by the airport’s aviation maintenance department, the Feb. 14 event included behind-the-scenes tours of Sea-Tac’s mechanical and electrical systems. Students were able to see the airport’s boiler shop and where repairs are made to Sea-Tac’s satellite train system.
The high school sophomores learned about careers connected to plumbing, HVAC systems, welding, pipefitting, water systems and all types of electrical and electronic systems. More than 300 people work at the airport in these jobs, as well as in other skilled trades, such as carpentry and auto mechanics.
The airport maintenance staff leading the event spoke about the educational and training pathways they took to their present careers, including military service, trade schools, and apprenticeships. Christian Dube, training coordinator for Local 286 of the operating engineers union, described their apprenticeship program.
Employers throughout the region are experiencing a shortage of workers in skilled trades, making them high-demand occupations. Careers in skilled trades provide good jobs without requiring a four-year college degree.