Eleven, 3-story townhouses going ahead on 3420 SW Graham; Part of High Point redevelopment
Thu, 04/20/2017
Polygon Northwest has filed a Land use Application for 3420 SW Graham Street to allow eleven, 3-story townhouse structures with a total of 52 residential units. Parking for 57 vehicles would be provided on site.
This is part of the High Point Phase III, block 9
This project has been in development for over a decade and public comment for the project ended in 2015.
Quoting from the decision this project, "has been designed to reflect the redevelopment goals of the High Point Community as stated in the High Point Design Book, through a collaborative effort with SHA. The High Point Design Book, created by SHA (Seattle Housing Authority) , City of Seattle and Design Consultants, contains very detailed Design Standards for each block in the High Point Community Plat and also cites general architectural, landscape and drainage design guidelines. Design development reflects the influence of the City of Seattle Design Guidelines, the High Point Design Book and SHA.
Public Comment
SDCI received public comments concerning this project during this Early Design Guidance Review phase. The following comments, issues and concerns were raised:
• Encouraged a design that includes a public walkway through the development from the High Point library parking lot to Southwest Graham Street.
• Concerned that proposed project will create shading onto adjacent residential properties north of the project site.
• Encouraged a design that includes preservation of the existing mature trees onsite.
All public comments submitted in writing for this project can be viewed using the following link
and entering the project number: http://web6.seattle.gov/dpd/edms/ It is project number 3018626.