A Shoreline Substantial Development Application to allow a 6-story building with 40 apartment units to be built at 1250-1262 Alki Ave SW has been filed with the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI) . Parking for 74 vehicles would be provided below grade. Existing structures would be demolished. It has been named the Alki Beach Residences.
The following approvals are required:
Design Review
Shoreline Substantial Development to allow an apartment building in an Urban Residential Shoreline Environment.
SEPA Environmental Determination (This project is subject to the Optional DNS Process (WAC 197-11-355) and Early DNS Process (SMC 25.05.355). This comment period may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of this proposal.)
Other permits that may be needed which are not included in this application:
Building Permit
Demolition Permit
You can Comment on the Application here.
The full plan set can be downloaded here Plan Set
Numerous public comment letters have been posted on the SDCI site regarding the project.
On June 9 of this year a group calling itself the Alki Action Alliance sent a public comment letter to the department outlining their concerns.
Action Alki Alliance* To ensure this development is appropriate for the existing context and that the Alki Neighborhood is left in better position than before
*Action Alki Alliance (AAA) is a Registered Nonprofit in the State of Washington. UBI Number 603552189 Representing 26 multi-unit buildings and single residence homeowners
Public comment statements:
- Our primary concerns are:
- The requested departures are excessive ▪ We are concerned with the building’s relationship with the street. By allowing the ground floor to encroach into the front yard, it breaks the existing setback that has been established along this street. The decrease in setbacks between the neighboring buildings caused by the proposed width departure would decrease solar access, restrict air circulation, and reduce the sightlines to the view and street.
- The courtyard does not start at the ground floor, which is significantly different from the designs presented to the previous EDG and does not meet this DRB criteria. This is worse than the previous designs, because it will not meaningfully separate building masses and the proposed concrete wall along the street does not allow for relief along the ground level where the public interacts with the building.
- A fully developed code compliant design in line with what the EDG has requested has not been provided
- ▪ A fully code complaint option is feasible and, at a minimum, should be presented and used as a baseline for comparison to any other options
- A fully code complaint option was requested by the Design Review Board, but was never provided by the prior developer, nor has it been provided by the current applicant.
- We have met with the Applicant on two occasions o The applicant has said that: ▪ They want to be good neighbors and work with us - we do not feel that our concerns have been fully addressed
- We made change recommendations related to side setbacks from existing buildings (1238 and 1266 Alki Ave SW) and front setback from the sidewalk – response from applicant was related to economics of the project
- They have asked for the departures in order for the project to be economically viable—economics should not be the driver of departures from code requirements
- While we are pleased that the applicant has made some changes that apparently are consistent with their economic objectives, the applicant has not addressed the concerns of the neighborhood, specifically : ▪ Requested departures are excessive and a code compliant design has not been provided
- The following have not been provided as requested by the DRB
- Window/privacy study for both adjacent buildings
- Information on the security and function of the parking garage
- Detailed elevations of all facades, including the rear
- Lighting and signage plan
- It is our understanding that designs from prior design reviews are not yet approved, as recommendation was reserved until a final Board meeting.
- The project is not any more compliant with EDGs comments on previous designs, in fact in some major ways it is worse than before. The project has changed substantially from the original design.
. Action Alki Alliance* To ensure this development is appropriate for the existing context and that the Alki Neighborhood is left in better position than before
*Action Alki Alliance (AAA) is a Registered Nonprofit in the State of Washington. UBI Number 603552189 Representing 26 multi-unit buildings and single residence homeowners.
We respectfully request that :
- The Design Review Board not approve the excessive departures requested by the Applicant
- The Design Review Board require the applicant to provide a fully code complaint option as a baseline for comparison to any other options
- The Design Review Board encourage the Applicant to meaningfully engage the neighborhood in a dialogue and address the neighbors' reasonable concerns from the neighborhood’s perspective, distinct from what does or does not maximize the developer’s desired economic return on its investment.
- We provided more detailed written comments that address these issues and concerns in our document submitted to DC&I Project Site on April 25, 2017.
You people are crazy if you let this get built there. Beachfront is not the place for a building this tall. Preserve your last bit of "paradise" before it's all gone.