Local business Sleepers in Seattle gets into leather
Tue, 05/29/2012
Sleepers in Seattle, a sleeper sofa specialty store and Junction staple, has been expanding at a rapid clip since the Alcabes (family owners) embraced the digital age in 2010 and revamped their website for national and international sales.
In August of 2011, the West Seattle Herald did a feature on Sleepers in Seattle success, and recent word from employee David Feldhammer indicates the growth continues on with their expansion into selling leather sofas.
One of the keys to their sleeper sofa success is the option for customers to customize their furniture, and Feldhammer said they are taking the same approach with sister company Savvy Leather Sofas.
No word yet on whether Max Alcabes, owner Carlos’ son and creator of the company websites, will be crafting another rap song dedicated to leather sofas (here’s the link to their Sleeper Sofa Rap on YouTube).
Customers can visit their websites, www.savvyleathersofas.com and www.sleepersinseattle.com for more information, or pop into their retail store at 4741 California Ave S.W.