West Seattle - News

Mon, 11/28/16

UPDATE 12-1-16

The HALA meeting set for Dec. 1 at Shelby's Bistro has drawn a lot of attention and The Dept. of Neighborhoods, concerned that there would not be enough capacity has added the Uptown Espresso across the street for those…MORE

Mon, 11/28/16

A discretionary Land Use Application has been filed with Seattle's Department of Planning and Development to allow a five-story, mixed-use building at 9030 35th Ave SW, containing 40 apartment units and 3,200 sq. ft. of retail at ground level.…MORE

Mon, 11/28/16

Discovery Shop 4535 California Ave. S.W. 206.937.7169 Nov. 25–Dec. 3. All items with yellow tags are $1.00 starting Nov. 27 and all items with pink tags are reduced 50% starting Dec. 1. On Dec. 3, pick a candy cane at check-out to determine your…MORE

Sat, 11/26/16

By Gwen Davis

The Port of Seattle held a commission meeting this past week, where commissioners heard passionate testimony from the public opposing it’s near 3,000 tree-cutting project.

However, the Port listened to the public…MORE

Fri, 11/25/16

Sponsored by Sarah Cecil

Now that we are in the heart of the holiday season, you may be thinking about ways you can put your money where your heart is. Specifically, you might be pondering which groups you should support with charitable…MORE

Thu, 11/24/16

West Seattle is unique in many ways and most notably by the high number of locally owned small businesses that keep the community healthy and vibrant. Small businesses need support and that's the idea behind Small Business Saturday, founded in…MORE

Thu, 11/24/16

Update 12-1-16

All cash donations this Friday, Saturday and Sunday, collected at West Seattle Lights and Maple Valley Lights, will be donated to the family of the fallen Tacoma police officer. The officer was shot in Tacoma on November 30…MORE

Wed, 11/23/16

The Lodge Sports Grille in West Seattle is set to open next week in the Junction 47 Building on Alaska Street but according to a report published in the Seattle Times the company is facing financial issues.

The Times report states that the…MORE

Wed, 11/23/16

Jazz Night School, Seattle’s only all-ages jazz education institution, is partnering with West 5 Restaurant and Lounge on #GivingTuesday, Nov. 29. Proceeds from restaurant sales on #GivingTuesday will benefit Jazz Night School’s Bring Jazz to…MORE

Tue, 11/22/16

By Gwen Davis

It’s on everyone’s mind: “You’re going to cut down 3,000 trees?! That’s crazy!"

The Port of Seattle held an emotional commission meeting on Tuesday afternoon, at the airport’s Central Auditorium. The commission…MORE

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