West Seattle - News

Mon, 10/29/12

SPD press release from Det. Renee Witt

Halloween Safety TipsWritten by Detective Renee Witt on October 29, 2012

The Seattle Police Department wishes Seattle residents a Happy Halloween and offers the following Halloween safety…MORE

Mon, 10/29/12

NHUAC press release:

North Highline Unincorporated Area Council invites you to the monthly meeting, Thursday, November 1, 7pm at the North Highline Fire Station (1243 112th Street, SW).

We are pleased to be hosting Brenda Bauer and…MORE

Mon, 10/29/12

WSHS Drama Club presents Lend Me a Tenor

Dates: November 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 7th, 8th, 9th at 7:30pm

Tickets: $7 with reservation (email reservations@westsidedrama.com) $12 at the door

About the Show: In this classic farce, it'…MORE

Mon, 10/29/12

1:10am: One neighbor reports that cops arrived at the scene and found nothing unusual.

----------------------------------- 12:40 a.m. Five gunshots were reported by several neighbors near 24th Av. SW & SW 110th St. in White Center at…MORE

Sun, 10/28/12

Closing the streets in the West Seattle Junction, just like it's summer time counterpart, the Harvest Festival took advantage of great weather on Sunday Oct. 28 to bring several thousand people to heart of the community for the farmers market and…MORE

Sat, 10/27/12

Vera Johnson of the Village Green Perennial Nursery, 10223 26th Av. SW, invites people to sign up for the following workshops:

She will host indoor activities including:

Saturday, Nov. 3, 5:30pm to 8:30pm

Healthy chocolate?…MORE

Fri, 10/26/12

Musica Sacra Chamber Chorale presents A Candlelight Christmas

From Musica Sacra:

"A Candlelight Christmas" is the theme of a concert of choral music to be presented by the Musica Sacra Chamber Chorale at Holy Rosary Catholic Church…MORE

Fri, 10/26/12

King County Metro Transit estimates ridership has grown 22 percent in West Seattle since 2009, compared to an average six percent growth across the city. To meet that increased demand, Metro will add eight “commute time buses” to the 55 and 120…MORE

Fri, 10/26/12

The West Seattle High School Fall Harvest Auction on Nov. 15, will be honoring Bob Yeasting, West Seattle High School graduate, Foundation Treasurer, local resident, past Arts West President/Board Member.

The event, which starts at 5:30pm…MORE

Fri, 10/26/12

He's done it again! Andrew Borracchini, an 18 year old grocery bagger from West Seattle’s Metropolitan Markets just bagged the championship in the Washington State Best Bagger competition for the second year in a row. As the West Seattle Herald…MORE

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