Suzanne Smith promises to bring change to Federal Way School Board
I hope to bring new ideas, a new point of view, and my interest and excitement about education to the Federal Way School Board.
I hope to bring new ideas, a new point of view, and my interest and excitement about education to the Federal Way School Board.
A seven-month investigation by City of Federal Way police, the Federal Way School District, federal law enforcement agencies and the King County Prosecuting Attorney, ended early today with the arrest of eight juveniles and two young adults charged with illegal drugs and the sale of firearms off campus.
The investigation is ongoing and further arrests may occur.
"We want to send a message loud and clear: this community has made it a priority to provide a safe environment for our citizens and visitors.
It is with a willingness to continue to serve and now thousands of hours of experience behind me that I announce that I am running for school Board Director Position 3 again.
In the past 31/2 years we have seen remarkable improvement to our School District in the areas of academic achievement, closing the achievement gap and occupational education.
I have personally encouraged and supported "Latino Night School" (now considered a best practice), NATEF, Cambridge, an effective 13th year plan, Choice schools, a rigorous curriculum, music and athletics and I continue to supp
Anyone who has lived in this area since 1990 probably knows about the Pacific Rim Bonsai Collection on the Weyerhaeuser campus between 336th and Hwy 18.
I try to make it a point to visit there a couple of times each year and I am always impressed with how beautiful this world class facility is maintained.
I like art in nearly any form, but I'm dumb as a stump about trees as art, so I made an appointment with the Curator, David DeGroot.
David was gracious with his time and turned out to be a complete fount of information about the art of Bonsai (pronounced 'bone
Willard C. Julum died suddenly May 9, 2007, of a heart attack at Lake Tapps. Services were held May 15 at Holy Family Catholic Church, Auburn, and he was buried at Gethsemane, Federal Way.
He is survived by his loving wife of 46 years, Jean Payne-Julum, sons Brad of Olympia and Blaze of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; daughter Darcie (Billy) Jacobsen of Lake Tapps; four grandchildren; and sister Marian Julem-Weaver of Seattle.
He graduated from Highline High School as ASB president in 1951.
He and his best friend Ken Leingang enrolled at Eastern Washington University.
A long time resident of Federal Way, Margaret (Peggy) Eichholtz, passed away at Point Defiance Village in Tacoma on May 27, 2007. Peggy was the only child of the late James and Leila Austin of Seattle, WA. She was born in August 1920 and lived in Seattle up to and including graduating from the University of Washington.
She is survived by her husband, Philip and four children: James W., William P. of Federal Way, Philip A. of California and her only daughter Olivia Williams of Walla Walla, WA, and six wonderful grandchildren.
The contact phone number printed in the May 23 Times/News for a new 5K run and walk in Burien on June 24 was incorrect.
For event information, call Susan Alotrico, community resources vice president at Ruth Dykeman Children's Center, at 206-242-1698, ext. 142.
The name of the former Sea-Tac International Airport director was misspelled in the May 23 Times/News.
Gina Marie Lindsey has been named executive director of Los Angeles World Airports by Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.
(Editor's Note: This week, Jerry Robinson talked to a couple and a business owner who are among the people that make Burien special.)
Meet Rochelle and John Flynn
Talk about dedicated, near tireless community volunteers, this pair takes the cake.
For the past five years Rochelle has served on the Burien Arts Commission and is an active townie boosting the Downtown Art Walk, Summer Concerts In the Park and Strawberry Festival.
She even put on a costume and played the part of the Easter bunny this year, hopping around like a kid during the annual egg h
Everyone has the right to make his own decision, but none has the right to force his decision on others.
Ayn Rand
Recent events make a comparison between King County Executive Ron Sims and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez irresistible.
Last month the South American dictator silenced a television station that dared oppose him over the airwaves.
Jessie and Lindsay Rogers, twin sisters and Mt. Rainier High graduates, were strumming guitars at Beach Park one recent sunny day.
Thirty-five kids, ages 9-12, willingly went to Parkside Elementary School one hour early to practice playing string instruments.