October 2007

Well-attended fundraiser brings in $25,000 to help preserve Hylebos watershed

One hundred ninety-eight friends of the Hylebos Creek turned out to the King County Weyerhaeuser Aquatic Center September 22 to celebrate the annual return of Hylebos Creek salmon and to raise funds to support Hylebos Creek Conservation.

The event raised more than $25,000 for Hylebos Creek conservation at the Friends' third annual Ruby Dance Stewardship dinner.


Priest, House Repubs get go-ahead from Gregoire on GPS program

House Republicans were surprised when the governor invited the media to her office to announce that four sex offenders out of almost 20,000 will be monitored with a global positioning system (GPS) device.

There are currently 1,300 sex offenders who have failed to register in the state, prompting Republican state representatives to question why only four will receive special attention.

"I'm pleased the GPS legislation we proposed weeks ago to the governor resonated with her, but this is just one very, very, very small step.


FWHS E-gals raise funds by offering youth dance clinics

The Federal Way High School E-Gals present "High School Musical" (K-5th grades) and "Hip Hop" (6-8th grades ) dance clinic on October 12. The event will take place in the FWHS upper gym 30611 16th Ave South. There is no school scheduled for October 12.

The Dance Clinic runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and costs $25 (Clinic Only), the $39 all-day camp begins at 8 a.m. and concludes at 4 p.m. (Includes clinic).

Performances for Friends/Family will take place at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.

Participants will need to bring a lunch. Snacks will be provided.


Voters' Pamphlets available in several different forms

Washington's most comprehensive election resource is now arriving in local mailboxes.

The Voters' Pamphlet for the Nov. 6 general election is available in English, Spanish and Chinese. It will reach more than three million households throughout the state.

Voters from Highline to anywhere in the world also may view the 2007 Voters' Pamphlet online at www.vote.wa.gov.

The electronic version is available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, and Korean.


Firefighters give tips for home escape plan

This week is Fire Prevention Week, and South King Fire and Rescue is reminding Des Moines and Federal Way residents to "Practice Your Escape Plan."

The Burien/Normandy Park Fire Department (Fire District 2) and the North Highline Fire Department (Fire District 11) also are joining with the National Fire Protection Association in activities through Saturday, Oct.


Kids with asthma are helped

More than 23,000 children in King County are suffering from a health condition that is largely preventable and manageable, yet their families are largely unable or unaware of how to help.

The majority of these 23,000 children come from lower-income families where these children are made sick by the very place they should feel safest - their home.

The sickness is asthma.

Homes should be safe, healthy places for families, but too often, they are not.


Federal Way knocks off Conks

Now TJ, Decatur and Kentridge.

Only those football teams stand in the way of the Federal Way Eagles' return to prominence in the South Puget Sound League after what was an awesome night of spoiling the traditional power Kentwood Conquerors' homecoming night with a 17-13 win at French Field in Kent Thursday.

A return to prominence? Uh, yeah.


Federal Way knocks off Conks

Maybe it was homecoming magic.

Thomas Jefferson and Decatur both moved the ball at will to start with Friday, but TJ punched the ball in three times after it got close to the end zone in a 21-2 win.

The Gators, meanwhile, had drives that ended at such places as the 7-yard line on a fumble, the 6-yard line, the 22-yard line and the 23-yard line.

"We're still growing as a football team," said Decatur first year head coach Leon Hatch. "The success our kids have is not necessarily at the football field, but you see it in the classroom and in the hallways.
