May 2008

Mass transit open house set for Highline College

An open house will be held at Highline Community College on May 28 to receive public input on options for expanding the mass transit.

The open house will be from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the college, 2400 S. 240 St. in Des Moines. A presentation will be given at 6:30 p.m.

"With high gas prices and record numbers of commuters riding trains and buses, it's time now to move forward," said Sound Transit board chairman and Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels.


Sports Roundup

Fastpitch registration

Federal Way Girls Fastpitch Association is accepting registrations for girls ages 6 to 14 for its upcoming season. For more information, visit or call (253) 520-6524.

Masters offer workouts

The Federal Way Masters swimming team for ages 19 and over is now offering three workout session times at the Weyerhaeuser King County Aquatic Center located at 650 SW Campus Drive in Federal Way. Monday through Friday a 5:30-6:45 a.m. and a 7-8 p.m.


TJ eliminated from District

SPANAWAY--Thomas Jefferson played a couple close games and lost both -- first, to Tahoma, 12-9, and then to Kentwood, 3-2 -- in fastpitch action at the West Central District III Tournament at Sprinker Recreation Center Friday.

There was a lot of emotion early on against Tahoma, and the runs that piled up early in their favor led to a big lead. Players like Hannah Kiyohara, Erin Fujita and Jayme Carbon were on the fence and cheering for their teammates.

'Let's go," they said.


Sports Roundup

Saturday, May 20


Kentlake 16, Beamer 6

Travis Crumb hit 2-for-2 and Nick Edwards hit 2-for-3 with two RBI for the Titans in the West Central District game.

Central Kitsap 11, Beamer 1

Carson Wolbert of Todd Beamer hit 1-for-3 with a double and one RBI and teammate Kevin Ketchum hit 1-for-2.

Central Kitsap 10, TJ 0

The Raiders were blanked by the Cougars in their playoff.

Tuesday, May 13

Boys soccer


Murder-attempted suicide plagues FW neighborhood

1. On May 3, at 11:26 a.m., Federal Way Police Officers responded to the 2000 block of SW 353rd Pl, on a welfare check. A 68 yr old Asian male identified as Paul Kim was seen by officers attempting to injure himself with a knife. Officers made entry to the home, secured Mr. Kim and discovered a 67 yr old white female identified as Baerbel K. Roznowski with fatal stab wounds.

Medical personnel attempted to revive the victim without success. At 8:13am on May 3, 2008, Kim was served an anti-harassment order, initiated by the Roznowski on May 1, 2008 at King County Superior Court.

Midway ideas wanted by Des Moines, Kent

The Cities of Des Moines and Kent are holding a series of public meetings to gather the community's thoughts and ideas on what Midway could look like in the future, what kinds of businesses are needed, and what types of transportation options would support a new Midway.

Interested parties are asked to attend an open house, Wednesday, May 28, 6 to 8 p.m. at the Des Moines Activity Center, 2045 S.


Click It or Ticket night patrols are increased

Following the success of the first year of the nighttime Click It or Ticket seat belt enforcement patrols during May and October 2007, extra law enforcement officers have taken to the streets at night until June 1.

Statewide, there will be 46 law enforcement agencies participating in the nighttime seat belt enforcement project including Burien and SeaTac as well as the Washington State Patrol.

During 2007, both daytime and nighttime vehicle occupant fatalities were lower compared to the previous ten years.


Popcorn flicks are as American as apple pie

Popcorn flick, circa 1973: My earliest memory of a popcorn flick was the Swiss Family Robinson.

Now, this presents a problem, since Google tells me the show came out in 1960, and I clearly remember seeing it at a drive-in movie with my parents in 1973.

But I digress. The fact is, The Swiss Family Robinson was my first popcorn flick.

What is a popcorn flick, you ask?

For me, 'tis heaven.

Star Wars was a popcorn flick. Die Hard was a popcorn flick to me (okay, most gals don't like the violence like I do... but I love that movie).


Help in Des Moines for 'Messies'

"Write about something you know," experts advise, and "clutter" is right up my alley.

Truth be-known, a fair amount of our population could probably chime in, "Me too."

Does it seem like your "clutter" is giving birth to more clutter? Suddenly it's so overwhelming the urge is to run away and hide in the middle of it all-- and eat lots of cookies and chocolate. Never mind putting wrappers in the trash either, no one can find them anyhow.

How did this clutter start and grow and what is the effect on a family?
