August 2008

Seikes still pulling weeds at their famous garden

(Editor's Note: Jerry Robinson visited the famous Japanese garden at the Highline SeaTac Botanical Garden with a couple who know it well.)

When I bumped into Fran Seike at the store, I asked what she and husband Hal were doing since the Port of Seattle bought them out and closed their long time nursery on Des Moines Memorial Drive.

She said they are not working as hard as they once did but spend several hours every day just doing some free maintenance at the new location of their famous Japanese garden in SeaTac.

So we arranged to meet them there.



Fantasy, remembrance mix

How long, I wonder, will I continue to filter life's events through John's eyes? "John would have loved this." "John would not have allowed that." "John would have the answer."

This past month included many events and experiences that John would have loved - watching his son and grandson play in a father-son tennis tournament; inspecting the almost-completed basement remodeling; having dinner with his kids; making new friends at another dinner, listening to music.

I attended six concerts in one week, reveling in the Methow Valley Chamber Music Festival.


Chief points to outstanding fire & rescue staff

As the Fire Chief of South King Fire & Rescue, I want to take a few moments to address all of the citizens we serve about an unfortunate series of events surrounding your fire department.

These series of events were created by one individual who formerly held an entrusted financial position within our fire department; an individual who betrayed the trust placed in him by me, our fire department, and our citizens.

The issues surrounding the misuse of public funds for personal gain by the aforementioned former member of South King Fire & Rescue have already been seen on tel


Westmark responds

This letter is in response to one published by the Times/News on Wednesday, July 30, signed by Terri Lien, president, and Catherine M. Aldridge, past president, Sound Vista Condominium Association of Owners.

This is an attempt to correct some misconceptions or errors in facts in the letter in the July 20 Times/News concerning easements relative to the proposed Westmark condominium project.

First, the tieback for the Westmark project requiring easements.

Parade helpers

I thought your readers would like to know who works annually on the Burien Independence Day Parade. Let me describe this fun and wonderful group of people.

The Southwest King County Chamber of Commerce contracts to the City to provide staffing support. President/CEO Nancy Damon does a fantastic job. We also have great sponsors: Burien Sand and Gravel, El Dorado West, Seahurst Dental Design, Puget Sound Energy, Watermark Credit Union, and media partners The Highline Times and the B-Town Blog.


Planning ineptitude

The City of SeaTac has caused its own problems regarding tree retention and now taking it out on the citizens. There has been a loophole in the SeaTac code that allows for avoiding tree retention policies when subdividing which basically permits clear cutting of a property if done prior to subdivision application.

This loophole went unused/undiscovered until SeaTac planning administrators began to impose severe replacement penalties, covenants, and other restrictions on developers who removed a tree after application.
