Cedarhurst Elementary Students Clean Up Neighborhood
Press release:
Who: Students, parents, and staff of Cedarhurst Elementary School in conjunction with the City of Burien.
What: Students will clean their walk-to-school pathway and improve the walking trail from 12th Ave South to 8th Ave South as part of the city-wide Burien Clean Sweep event. The City of Burien will provide gravel and remove debris collected in the effort.
When: Saturday, April 28, 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Where: Trailhead is located at 12th Ave S & 132nd St. and runs between 12th and 10th Ave S.
Highline Public Schools and the City of Burien have worked together this year to create safer routes for kids to walk to school as part of a grant through Seattle & King County Public Health. The school sponsors a walking school bus every Thursday when students, families, and staff walk to school together.