Kitchen Talk: Mr. Bean without the humor
By Chef Jeremy McLachlan
Vines are starting to sprout up and wrap themselves around the trellis. It's like magic. Little flowers are blooming and you know that you are only a few weeks away from having the most amazing vegetable ever, green beans! Tending my own garden for many years, I have been through the drama of having too many green beans. It's not funny. This is serious stuff and the questions always hit me: Do I eat them all? Can them? Give them away? My favorite thing to do is eat these little gems, the whole bean, right off the vine. First, the earthy veggie punch hits and then finishes with a nice subtle sweetness. It's spellbinding. Riveting. Irresistible. The drama. So what are you going to do with your beans? Don't fret, I have answers for you.