Highline Times - News

Mon, 12/09/13

A hand recount today of the ballots cast on SeaTac Proposition 1, the $15 hour an hour minimum wage law, does not appear to have changed the outcome, according to observers for the No side in the campaign.

“Close only counts in horseshoes…MORE

Mon, 12/09/13

Burien Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services is pleased to present an exhibition by artist Kim Bly at the Burien Community Center. The exhibition will be on display through the beginning of February 2014.

Kim Bly was born and raised in…MORE

Mon, 12/09/13

Deadline for receiving items for Community Calendar is 5 p.m. Wednesday for the following week’s Times/News. Events are published based on timeliness and space availability. Email submissions to: calendar@robinsonnews.comItems can be accepted…MORE

Mon, 12/09/13

According to the City Manager’s Report prepared for the December 2nd Burien City Council meeting, the City of Burien is equipped and ready to handle snow and ice that may be part of Highline’s winter season.

With this weekend’s…MORE

Mon, 12/09/13

City Council Chambers 21630 11th Avenue South, Des Moines

December 12, 2013 – 7:00 p.m.

Item 1: APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS Motion is to approve for payment vouchers and payroll transfers included in the attached list and further…MORE

Mon, 12/09/13

By Matt Wendland Lance McIntosh is now the newest member of the Burien Parks and Recreation Advisory Board after being appointed by the Burien City Council at their meeting on December 2nd.

The Burien Parks and Recreation Board is a…MORE

Mon, 12/09/13

By Howard Garrett, Orca Network The campaign for Lolita's retirement is based on research by Ken Balcomb at the Center for Whale Research on San Juan Island. In 1995, Governor Mike Lowry, Sec. of State Ralph Munro and Balcomb announced the start…MORE

Mon, 12/09/13

The Metropolitan today adopted legislation on how the County will honor requests by the federal government on the detention of immigrants in the King County Jail. The ordinance will continue the County’s effort to detain offenders accused of…MORE

Mon, 12/09/13

Gregory Heights Elementary staged a winterfest spaghetti feed Dec. 5 at the school. The event included an auction.

This event was to raise funds for Gregory Heights PTSA to support the students with a variety of enriching activities.…MORE

Mon, 12/09/13

by Ryan Harmon Highline Community College students live and work in the shadow of the Redmond tech giant Microsoft. With Steve Ballmer stepping down as CEO the future leadership of Microsoft is up in the air. Sources suggest the field of…MORE

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