Highline Times - News

Mon, 12/09/13

Come join us for the monthly walks of the WABI Weekday Walkers, on the third Wednesday of each month in various South County locations. December’s walk is close to Southcenter so you can do some Christmas shopping after the walk! The walk is flat…MORE

Fri, 12/06/13

By Matt Wendland Deputy Myers of the King County Sheriff’s Department sent out a reminder for drivers to be careful and aware during their winter commutes and holiday shopping.

This photo provided by KCS shows what can happen in even the…MORE

Fri, 12/06/13

REMINDER: Discover Burien’s annual ‘Winterfest’ is this Saturday, Dec. 7, from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. in downtown Burien.

From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., stroll streets decked out in their holiday best while enjoying live singing by the Marvista…MORE

Fri, 12/06/13

Everyone is interested in money —how to get it, how to spend it, how to keep it.

Now Burien artist Marge Ellsworth is presenting a brand new way to look at money in an exhibit at Burien Press, 423 S.W. 152nd St. through December.


Thu, 12/05/13

Andrea H. Reay has been selected as the Executive Director of Discover Burien.

“The board worked extremely hard to find someone knowledgeable and passionate about Burien” said John White, Discover Burien Board President. “We found a…MORE

Wed, 12/04/13

Working Washington, an affiliate of Service Employees International Union (SEIU) 775 on Thursday, December 5 will March through SeaTac and then continue into Tukwila and Seattle from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 along International Blvd. from South…MORE

Mon, 12/02/13

For 10 minutes this Christmas season, you and your family can be transported to Bethlehem while driving through the parking lot at Normandy Christian Church. Scores of volunteers, thousands of lights, and full-size sets bring to life the Nativity…MORE

Mon, 12/02/13

According to the City Manager’s Report prepared for the December 2nd Burien City Council meeting, the King Conservation District (KCD) has approved a grant in the total of $12,300 to be used towards the restoration of the damaged stairs at the…MORE

Mon, 12/02/13

The Christmas season is almost upon us. Christmas parties, caroling and holiday baking are among the celebrations we look forward to.

Another yearly treat Burien theatre-goers have come to expect is the Christmas show at Burien Actors…MORE

Mon, 12/02/13

As the holiday season approaches, HomeTask CEO Jerrod Sessler has been rallying the community and his staff around the greater mission that undergirds everything they do at HomeTask. To assist in achieving those ends, a charity board now sits at…MORE

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