Highline Times - News

Mon, 12/02/13

Seizing on the momentum of the landmark victory for the $15 minimum wage in SeaTac, fast food workers and community supporters will mount a day-long, 8-hour march on Thursday, Dec. 5 that traces the $15 movement's path from victory in 
The march…MORE

Mon, 12/02/13

Buy hyper-locally for the holidays while celebrating the season with a sleigh-full of family friendly activities at Burien’s annual Winterfest on Saturday, Dec. 7.

From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. stroll streets decked out in their holiday best…MORE

Mon, 12/02/13

Deadline for receiving items for Community Calendar is 5 p.m. Wednesday for the following week’s Times/News. Events are published based on timeliness and space availability. Email submissions to: calendar@robinsonnews.com Items can be accepted…MORE

Mon, 12/02/13

By Ann Kendall

In every novel, inevitably there are a few strains of real life woven into the story. For 1995 Highline High School grad Eliot Baker, his debut novel The Last Ancient provides hints of boyhood pastimes and his time as a…MORE

Fri, 11/29/13

Meetings ahead for Metro bus cutsNov. 20 starts three months of outreach on cuts in absence of stable funding

Due to inaction to date on stable funding for public transit, Metro must begin three months of meetings across King County to…MORE

Wed, 11/27/13

Seattle media came out Tuesday at SeaTac Airport to record the official announcement of the passage of Proposition 1, the measure which gives workers in the City of SeaTac a base wage of $15 an hour. Speakers at the press conference included…MORE

Tue, 11/26/13

By Matt Wendland Hundreds of people from across King County and western Washington poured into the Burien Community Center Saturday night to take part in Burien Arts Association’s 6th annual Vision 20/20.

Burien Arts Association is…MORE

Tue, 11/26/13

By Betty Rose Cortes Tulpe Edwin was homesick. She missed her friends. She missed her family. And she missed the type of special foods she could get at home, things like canned mackerel, rice crackers, corned beef in a can and breadfruit.


Tue, 11/26/13

by Aya Hashiguchi Clark The Christmas season is almost upon us. Christmas parties, caroling and holiday baking are among the celebrations we look forward to.

Another yearly treat Burien theatre-goers have come to expect is the Christmas…MORE

Tue, 11/26/13

Sea-Tac Food Donations Surpass 100,000 Pounds Food Bank Donation Program has provided over 80,000 meals 
Restaurants at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport display generosity every day, not just during the holiday season, as total food donations…MORE

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