July 2006

Article not unbiased

I think it's ironic that Rebekah Schilperoort's article entitled "Parental consent not needed" was printed in the same edition (July 19, 2006) as a reader's letter to the editor complimenting Ms. Schilperoort for being "unbiased and informative" in her writing. I for one did not find the article to be unbiased at all. Informative? Perhaps, but obviously not its intended purpose.

If Ms.


Consent form shows services

Families have had access to expanded health services at the Madison Middle School Wellness Center for the past nine years.

Approximately 70 percent of our families enroll their child for the clinic each year. The consent form filled out by parents clearly indicates the services that are available at our clinic. We have a full time mental health counselor and a physician assistant three days a week.

All students are able to see the school nurse.

Grateful for services

As a foster parent, I am grateful for the "reproductive" health services provided at the Madison Middle School Wellness Center.

My foster child is 15 years old and had not had a period in over six months. Ms. Richert, physician assistant at the wellness center, did a thorough work-up of the problem in a kind, respectful way. She kept both of us informed of options throughout the process.

Lighted crosswalks

My name is Garry Lund and I am an estimator for Gary Merlino Construction, the firm that was awarded the contract to repave California Avenue in West Seattle.

I have lived in West Seattle since 1967 and have witnessed several near misses between cars and pedestrians at these two mid-block crosswalks.

I believe an in-pavement crosswalk lighting system will be the most effective system for the two mid-block crosswalks.

Unexpected 'great news'

The Supreme Court of our state upholds the institution of marriage, keeping it intact as being between one man and one woman. I was elated when I heard the news, because it looked like the decision would go the other way.

With so much erosion of positive values in our society by the courts, it was good to see the majority of the court uphold one of the most important institutions of our society, marriage. From its inception by God, marriage has always been between men and women.


Dartboard poll is first

My compliments to Craig Keller. In my limited exposure to the issue of viaduct options (tunnel, repair, rebuild or tear down), his poll at the West Seattle Street Festival is the first vote I've seen that asks citizens what should be done. Even if the poll was randomized at a dartboard.

Absent are the inflated opinions of developers, downtown boosters, shortsighted transportation luddites posing as environmentalists, lobbyists, paid consultants and other individuals and groups with either political or economic advantage at stake.
