July 2006

Fireworks ban supported

It is my understanding that the Des Moines City Council has had several complaints concerning the ban on fireworks on the Fourth of July. I was both shocked and amazed that anyone would wish to have the noise, fire risk, and injury risk back after experiencing one of the safest and sanest holidays I can remember.

As you know, I have pushed for years to have a ban due to the fire risk in my own neighborhood.


Burien parade disappoints

Is it me or did I miss something? Our recent Fourth of July Parade was noticeably smaller; this is from a long-time resident of Burien who has seen it annually and even was a participant in one.

I would have thought this is something that would get incrementally larger every year, since this is a growing and recently incorporated city. This parade is one event this is a wonderful way to showcase our local area, but I was disappointed in the parade this year.

Off the top of my head I can think of many things that were lacking this year ...




Description of Proposal:

Construction of six retail buildings totaling approximately 53,000 square feet on a 5.62 acre parcel comprising two tax lots. The project is located at 19919 - 1st Ave. South in Normandy Park, Washington 98166 on tax lots #6115400142 and #6115400138.

Proponent: Normandy Park Investors, LLC

15921 Northeast Eighth Street, Suite 200

Bellevue, WA 98008

Burien crowd rips annexation

After hitting the streets with petitions and posting signs around town for two weeks, members of the Burien Residents Against Annexation Political Action Committee talked back to city hall at the July 17 council meeting.

Filling the council chambers, many of the community activists wore "I Love Burien" t-shirts as they hoisted signs and applauded and cheered during a succession of anti-annexation comments.

"People are emotional about this issue," said PAC member Sharon Oliger.


Annexation merits are debated

Burien should not annex the North Highline unincorporated area because the move would be too costly and would burden the city with new problems including a high crime rate.

This was the message Ron Seale, a member of the Burien Residents Against Annexation Political Action Committee, delivered to Burien Lions last week.

But, countered local resident Cherisse Luxa, what the anti-annexation group is not telling the public is that no annexation is the most costly option for the city.

"The Burien City Council should adopt all of North Highline as a potential annexa


Square financial plan OK'd

Burien Town Square took another step forward July 17 when city council members unanimously approved a vital element of Urban Partners' financial plan for the private portion of the development.

Of the estimated total cost of $138 million for the private portion of Town Square, Urban Partners has arranged for $40 million in cash equity to come from Westport Capital Partners, LLC.

Westport Capital Partners manages institutional real estate investments for pension funds, insurance companies and Wall Street investment banking houses.

Additional funding w


Annexation figures challenged

The projected financial impact of annexation of the North Highline unincorporated area by Burien, according to numbers provided by city staff, doesn't provide an accurate picture of the real costs to the community.

This is the message of Ron Seale, a member of Burien Residents Against Annexation Political Action Committee, presented during an interview with the Times/News last week.

Although the city claims the "no annexation" option would be the most costly for Burien, that simply is not the case, Seale said.

The cost of services that North Highline will need,


Officials counter anti-annexation claims

The most costly North Highline annexation option for Burien could be doing nothing at all.

Countering an organized effort to derail any action by the city council, some community residents say annexation of the unincorporated area would cost Burien residents several million dollars a year in higher taxes and utility rates.

In a flier that claims "Burien cannot afford any form of annexation," the Burien Residents Against Annexation Political Action Committee states: "Costs under no annexation will be manageable and preserve our city's character."

But according t
