Self-defense and why women should learn it
By Rachel M. Lusby
Did you know over 200,000 people each year are raped/sexually assaulted in the United States? Did you know over 40% of those people are under 18, and roughly 80% are under 30?
These statistics, according to RAIIN ,(Rape, Abuse, And Incest National Network,) also suggest every 2 minutes someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted. (
The National Organization for Women says according to the National Crime Victimization Survey over 200,000 women in the U.S. are raped or sexually assaulted, which runs about 600 women every day. And the majority of those women are attacked by an intimate partner.
That number includes rapes that are not reported. FBI reports list lower numbers because they rely on agency reports.
(This is not to say men and boys are not sexually assaulted as often as women and girls.)
Jim Curtis, owner and instructor at Umibushi Self-Defense Academy in Des Moines, stresses the importance of self-defense in the classes he teaches and the seminars he holds at various locations in the United States.