Ballard - Police Blotter

Wed, 01/21/15

Man defecates in yard, robs neighbor’s home


Tue, 01/13/15

Thief makes off with cash, leaves computer


Mon, 01/05/15

Two bongs went up in smoke

On Dec.20, Seattle Police officers responded to a burglary at a head shop located on the 8000 block of 15th Avenue Northwest. The owner told officers that he arrived that morning and found a large chunk of…MORE

Mon, 12/29/14

Fiend breaks while residents on holiday vacation

On Dec. 6 Seattle police officers responded to a burglary at a residence located on the 8300 block of 29th Avenue Northwest. A house sitter told police that when he came to check on the…MORE

Mon, 12/22/14

Thieves ransack home in search of marijuana joints

Dec. 12, Seattle Police responded to a burglary at a residence located on the 5500 block of Seventh Avenue Northwest. The complainant told officers that when he arrived home he found the…MORE

Mon, 12/08/14

Authorities are on the look out for a mugger who botched an arm robbery in Fremont

According to the Seattle Police Department, on Dec. 4, a man was walking along the 300 block of Northwest 41st Street when a suspicious looking man…MORE

Mon, 12/01/14

Crook breaks through back window, takes electronics

On Nov. 18, Seattle Police officers responded to a burglary at residence on the 8700 block of 22nd Avenue Northwest. The complainant old officers that while away, someone had burglarized…MORE

Mon, 11/24/14

50-year-old woman assaulted on street

On Nov. 17, Seattle Police responded to an assault that happened on the 6400 block of Eighth Avenue Northwest. Officers went to Swedish Hospital in Ballard to speak with the 50-year-old female victim…MORE

Tue, 11/18/14

Laptop taken from apartment

On Nov. 6, Seattle Police responded to a burglary at a residence at the 100 block of Northwest 85th Street. The complainant told officers that he had left his apartment to run errands, and when he returned he…MORE

Mon, 11/10/14

Goon grabs wallet and uses credit cards

On October 29, Seattle police responded to a burglary at the 5400 block of Leary Avenue Northwest. They made contact with the resident who told them that she left her residence to go to dinner and…MORE

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