West Seattle - News

Fri, 07/26/13

Update for 9:50 a.m., July 26 Seattle police provided updated information on the 3 a.m. crash of July 26 that took the life of a motorcyclist in West Seattle.

According to Det. Renee Witt, "A 62-year-old motorcyclist killed this morning in…MORE

Thu, 07/25/13

Seattle Olympian Queen Underwood, who overcame numerous obstacles in her personal life to achieve her dream of competing in the Olympics, paid a visit to Bird on a Wire Espresso on Thursday, July 25 in a fundraising effort to help her meet…MORE

Thu, 07/25/13

Information from SDOT

Beginning Monday, July 29, traffic on SW Orchard Street east of Delridge Way Southwest will share an alternating single lane for one week during the hours of 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. This lane…MORE

Thu, 07/25/13

On July 26, Cultivate is hosting the Open Mic night in White Center.

The open mic will be a joint effort by Cultivate, The White Center CDA, The YES Foundation and Dub Sea Coffee and other community members. It's an open mic but more of a…MORE

Wed, 07/24/13

Did you miss the 100th birthday celebration of the Alki Lighthouse on June 1, 2013? Would you like to catch up on the history of this centennial landmark in our community?

Alki resident Will Winter, a member of the Southwest Seattle…MORE

Wed, 07/24/13

Three burglary suspects are in custody on July 24 after allegedly stealing several firearms and other items from a home on the 10700 block of 4th Ave. S., according to King County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. Cindi West.

West said KCSO received…MORE

Wed, 07/24/13

Drivers should expect congestion on Alki Avenue Southwest next Thursday and Friday, August 1-2. Seattle Department of Transportation paving crews will work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the 1200 block of Alki Avenue Southwest removing the old roadway…MORE

Wed, 07/24/13

Information from Seattle Parks

This is to let you know that Seattle Parks and Recreation has closed Southwest Pool, 2801 SW Thistle St., for the rest of the day because of contamination that could not be contained. In compliance with State…MORE

Wed, 07/24/13

Press releaseMayor announces support for young immigrants eligible for work visasSeattle City Light to help youth use utility bills to prove residency

Today Mayor McGinn announced new City efforts to support young people eligible for work…MORE

Wed, 07/24/13

Grumblings about the blistering pace of development in West Seattle and how it is quickly changing the peninsula’s longstanding small town charm have mostly resided in the usual places: online comment sections, coffee shops, bars and backyard…MORE

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